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Campus Safety – Help Protect Students

Today’s college campus safety challenges cover everything from slip and fall risks to extra-curricular sports mishaps.  Accidents can happen in dorms, labs, or classrooms, and with 19.9 million1 college students in the US in 2019 it’s important for colleges and universities to put the right safety mechanisms in place to try and mitigate these risks and help protect your students.


Make Safety a Priority

Below are a few ways your institution can work to improve safety on campus2:

  • Develop safety policies and programs to identify, measure, evaluate, and reduce risks to maintain a safe campus
  • Offer health and safety education to students through live training sessions, posters, or brochures
  • Develop a culture of safety and reference it often
  • Give campus safety a seat at the leadership table
  • Prioritize campus safety during the budgeting process
  • Partner with organizations that are safety experts


How Can A&H Help?

Whether a student is injured while participating in an activity or while learning in the classroom, student accident insurance can help protect your institution, as well as your students.  By paying for medical expenses of an injured student you may be able to avoid legal action, and the student can focus on their recovery. Accident and health insurance may also help parents who may have a gap in coverage and it could minimize high deductibles or out of pocket expenses, so they can keep their child in school.  Student accident insurance could also help to decrease the type of claims submitted against the school’s general liability policy, often resulting in reduced premium.



    1. IBIS World. Colleges & Universities in the US. September 2020.
    2. Dehdashti, A., Fatemi, F., Jannati, M. et al. Applying health, safety, and environmental risk assessment at academic settings. BMC Public Health 20, 1328 (2020).

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