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College Intramural Sports Injuries and Prevention

There are half a million NCAA athletes enrolled in college each year. And of those, 90% will experience at least one sports-related injury.

Student safety is a top priority for colleges and universities. From campus security to safety on the playing field, you want every student to have a positive experience.

Sadly, accidents happen.

While pads and helmets help protect athletes’ bodies, what protections are in place for the college or university? Who’s financially responsible for injuries that occur during intramural sports and what measures can you take to keep student-athletes safe?

Read on to learn these answers and much more.

Preventing Intramural Sports Injuries

The best line of defense against sports injuries is a good offense. This is true both on the playing field and off.

Do your best to avoid the financial and emotional headaches of handling a sports-related injury on campus by implementing some of these precautions.

Beginner’s (Un)Luck

Remember, a majority of students playing intramural sports are most likely just starting out. While they may have a few years of recreational sports under their belt, they still aren’t skilled, professional athletes.

Because of this, the risk of injury can sometimes rise substantially.

Contact sports like football, basketball, and soccer can be to some of the leading causes of serious injuries.

If you offer any, or all, of these sports on campus, education and training are key. Hiring the right staff and coaches with extensive experience and knowledge of the sport can help reduce injuries.

Qualified staff will teach young athletes the proper techniques, as well as approved safety guidelines.

When student-athletes receive proper training from the start, they may play safer. This protects both themselves and other athletes.

Require Protective Gear At All Times 

All it takes is one time for a serious, life-changing accident to occur.

Requiring all student-athletes to wear the proper protective gear during gameplay and practice protects both their health and your interests.

Don’t find yourself on the wrong side of a lawsuit because athletes failed to wear helmets, pads, or other safety equipment.

Emphasize Hydration, Stretching, and Breaks

Practice makes perfect — but dangerous practice makes for injuries and medical expenses.

Don’t allow the school’s training staff to overwork players. Ensure that all student-athletes have adequate hydration both during practice and games.

Allow students to take breaks when needed and avoid practicing outside in the heat for too long.

Stretching before and after physical activity helps loosen muscles and prevent injury.

Treat all complaints as legitimate. If an athlete claims they are hurt, have them checked and cleared by the medical staff before letting them return to action.

Health Insurance Protects Everyone’s Interests

Even by following all of these safety precautions, accidents will still happen. And when they do, having the right accident insurance in place will help everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

Here are just a few benefits to having adequate coverage when facing a sports injury on campus.

How It Benefits the Establishment 

In most cases, when a student is injured, the school system is liable for all damages, regardless of how the injury occurred.

Damages can include but aren’t limited to, medical costs, out-of-pocket medical expenses, and pain and suffering. In cases where a permanent physical injury occurs, the student may sue for loss of future wages and to cover future medical expenses.

As an establishment, you need to protect yourself against both legitimate and fraudulent lawsuits.

Obtaining the proper accident and health coverage for your school means the insurance company will help cover out-of-pocket costs related to the student’s injury.

The last thing you want is for your campus to get a bad reputation. Accident insurance helps prevent sensationalized lawsuits that could bring negative attention to your name.

Now you can preserve the legacy and honor of both the school and its sports program.

Worried about the cost? Don’t be.

Health coverage for colleges and universities is often competitively priced and a small price to pay for “peace of mind”.

Consider general liability coverage with pomi’s supplemental accident insurance option. Supplemental plans cover added and unexpected expenses associated with the student’s injury.

How It Benefits the Student-Athlete 

Student-athletes should be able to sign up for intramural sports with confidence.

Having accident and health insurance in place can be viewed as a good-faith gesture that shows incoming athletes that you’re invested in their safety and wellbeing. Being in good standing with incoming students could help actually boost enrollment numbers.

It’s important to note that rules surrounding health insurance coverage and who’s responsible in the event of a sports-related injury vary based on the university.

While many young athletes are covered under their parent’s health insurance, some don’t have any insurance at all. Students may be more hesitant to play if they’re uncertain about their physical wellbeing in the future.

Accident and health coverage provides students playing intramural sports “peace of mind” and a level of security.

Protecting Your Campus and Students Playing Intramural Sports

The college experience involves so many amazing things from seminars and workshops to sororities, fraternities, and intramural sports.

With a large majority of college students playing at least one sport, their physical health and safety are the top priorities.

When disaster strikes and a young athlete is injured, who’s responsible? If the accident occurs on campus, you may be faced with mounting medical bills and lawsuits.

Avoid the negative attention and provide students with “peace of mind” by securing adequate health coverage. Your students and your reputation will thank you.

Feel free to contact us by phone or email so we can recommend the best plan for your needs.

These posts are for informational purposes only and should not be considered as specific financial, legal or tax advice. Depending on your individual circumstances, the strategies discussed in this post may not be appropriate for your situation. Always consult your legal or tax professionals for specific information regarding your individual situation. In providing such information, Great American does not warrant that all potential hazards or conditions have been evaluated or can be controlled. The liability of Great American Insurance Company is limited to the terms, limits and conditions of the insurance policies underwritten.  © 2024 Great American Insurance Company. All Rights Reserved. Great American Insurance Group’s member companies are subsidiaries of American Financial Group, Inc. (AFG). AFG is a holding company whose common stock is listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Policies are underwritten by Great American Insurance Company, an authorized insurer in all 50 states and the DC. Please see Great American Insurance Company’s Legal Disclosures/Terms and Conditions here.

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