Great Tips on How to Sell Group Accident Insurance

Many insurance agents say that one of the most satisfying parts of their profession is that they get the opportunity to help their clients find solutions for the business risks they face every day.
The topic of Group Accident insurance provides agents an opportunity to discuss with their clients an area of coverage that can be beneficial for certain businesses.
If you have been wondering how to start selling Group Accident insurance, here are some great tips on how to get started. You may find that working with your clients in this area will be a great experience for you both.
Study the Product
The first step in selling Group Accident insurance is to learn all you can about the product. Dedicate some uninterrupted time each day to read the wide variety of information available on our website about how polices work, and what is covered. Mastering the fundamental aspects of this insurance product will not only help you gain confidence in talking about it with your clients, but also help give you the necessary skills to uncover needs during the sales process.
Understand the “Why” of Group Accident Insurance
In insurance, it is very important to understand what a specific policy is designed to do and how it works. What many people overlook however is getting comfortable with the “why” portion of the process. While the “what” and the “how” are important pieces of getting the message out about Group Accident insurance to your clients, also focusing on the “why” can really help fuel meaningful conversations.
Helping clients understand why they may need a Group Accident policy from a risk management perspective, and how purchasing one can also be a good business decision in multiple other ways will go a long way in motivating them to seriously consider the idea.
Stop Selling & Start Helping!
This tip is not only important for Group Accident insurance, but really every type of coverage you offer. Take the time with your client to sincerely determine if they have a true need for this type of coverage.
Do they have a risk or liability exposure that could be minimized with such a policy? Would their business benefit in other ways from securing this type of product? This approach will not only help you sell more policies, but also help establish a large amount of credibility and good will with your clients.
Take Pride in Representing Such a Great Product
Group Accident insurance is a unique product and not all insurance carriers offer it. The coverage can be a great solution to help your clients reduce their exposure to liability from accidents that take place on their premises or at their events. Because not all insurance agents are knowledgeable about this type of policy, your clients may really appreciate your insight and information.
Want to Know More? Contact Us Today!
In addition to being a division of Great American Insurance Company, did you know that POMI® is super easy to work with? We utilize the latest online technology to make getting a quote and issuing policies to your clients as easy as 1-2-3 – usually within minutes!
Our user friendly 24/7 portal makes it simple to do business with us. Need to talk to a person? No problem! We are happy to help.
If you are ready to learn more about how POMI can help you grow and strengthen your client relationships, send us a message, schedule a zoom chat on our contact page, or email us at [email protected]!